Minutes Ago Trump Shook Putin’s Hand, What Happened Next Is UNBELIEVABLE

KIRSTERS BAISH| President Donald Trump met with Putin today, in what can only be called a pivotal moment in America’s history. This video clip shows the moment that Trump met Putin for the FIRST TIME. Despite all of the drama involving Trump and Putin that the far left has been trying to create, this is the very moment that the two men met for the very first time. The moment when Trump shakes Putin’s hand for the first time is extremely interesting. Watch and see why.


During the encounter, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker stood right near the two men and made a private check.

The main thing we notice right away during this meeting is the familiarity between the two men. Of course, they have heard of one another, researched one another, and probably knows way more than they want to about one another, today is the very first time that the two leaders have officially met face to face. The liberals are going to have a field day with this one. I can picture it now. They’re going to beat the horse until, not only is it black and blue, they’re going to beat it until it’s dead. We already know that they’re going to try to figure out some elaborate story about how Trump and Putin have met before, simply because Trump attempted to make a connection with Putin… since you know, he’s the President of the United States, and making people feel comfortable around you is kind of important. The two men are simply trying to avoid another Cold War.

President Trump reported, “I look forward to all meetings today with world leaders, including my meeting with Vladimir Putin. Much to discuss.”

Thank you, President Trump, for giving the American people hope that we can repair our damaged relationships with so many other countries. We will keep our hopes up, knowing that if anyone can correct the issues going on in America, it will be President Trump.